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Summary: 35 semesters, 54 course sections, 3846 students. The average course evaluation is 4.08 (5 max) counting each course equally, or 3.98 (5 max) counting each student equally. The average course grade is 2.31 (4 max) counting each course equally, or 2.12 (4 max) counting each student equally.
Navigation: skip ahead to 150 calc 1, 151 calc 2, 245 discrete, 254 linear, 521A (now 320) rings, 521B (now 520) groups, 522 numbers, 524 linear, 579 counting, 601 algebra, 623 linear
Materials: Info about the inverted system, syllabus, course materials, final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "flexible in catering to different student learning styles", "The inverted learning system is effective", "fun", "it took a while to get used to the inverted method" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 2.83 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: Info about the inverted system, syllabus, course materials, final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "I learned a lot", "SDSU should consider more courses with the inverted method", "I really enjoyed his style of teaching", "very effective" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 3.34 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: Info about the inverted system, syllabus, course materials, final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "really enjoyed the group sessions", "made me truly learn the material", "really liked the inverted style", "doing practice problems in class is good", "a bit difficult to transition into at first" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 3.07 (5 maximum). The overall departmental average for lower-division courses was 3.69, and the average for this course was 3.70. Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Clicker Quizzes, Midterm (with Solutions), Final Review, Final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "One of the best math instructors I have ever had", "Subject material brought to life through the teacher", "very helpful", "always very eager to answer questions", "responsive to emails quickly", "He's a great teacher and interesting as well", "If I was an English major, I would write an essay on why this professor is great", "Great professor", "He answered all our questions and wouldn't stop until we understood the topic" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 4.31 (5 maximum). The overall department average was 3.9, the average for lower-division courses was 3.86, and the average for the other four sections of this course was 3.55. Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "Lectures are great", "he cares a lot about this class", "very good at explaining", "Chill guy", "Fast grader with exams", "very passionate", "never over complicates things", "his website is op", "clear what was expected of the students from the very beginning", "really massive calves", "mandatory ISA office hours encourages all the students to seek help" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.09 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "best professor I have ever had", "course expectations very clear", "He sets the standard high but if you follow through, you will do well", "the most responsive professor I've ever had", "I LOVE VADIM! And this is not Stockholm Syndrome I swear.", "professor was amazing", "instructor is very clear and concise", "very passionate", "loved the lectures", "Basically, Vadim goat", "excellent use of class time", "class was very inclusive" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.53 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "lectures extremely interesting and clear", "super engaging", "fantastic lecturer", "easy to reach", "very clear on class structure and deadlines", "very organized and straightforward class structure", "incredibly passionate", "extremely knowledgeable", "always ready to answer questions", "engaging and very entertaining", "lectures and textbook complimented each other very well", "great sense of humor", "my favorite (but most difficult) class of the semester" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.23 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "really bad reputation for no reason", "Complete transparency about the course from the beginning", "Giving the students everything they need to succeed", "entertaining", "very passionate and enthusiastic", "fair", "Really engaging", "I especially enjoyed the book", "very good at teaching", "very clear structure", "My most enjoyable class this semester", "clear explanations", "very funny" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.38 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "teaches with a passion for math", "very very organized", "very passionate during his lectures", "Funny and decently engaging for a class of great difficulty", "very clear about course expectations", "I looked forward to every class", "great tshirts", "The subject material is hard in itself but professor Vadim breaks it down into manageable chunks", "a fair grader", "fantastic textbook", "overall a really good teacher" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.12 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "Great Teacher", "very enthusiastic", "very entertaining", "passionate and knowledgable", "clearly knows what he is teaching", "clear and concise presentation", "Godly calves", "I never go to lectures but I didn't miss one of these" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.52 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic started easing this semester, with in person classes. Student engagement and performance have started to rebound.
Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "Best math class I have ever taken", "I always looked forward to class", "very effective at conveying information", "passion about the topics he presents", "makes it clear what you need to do to succeed", "fun, engaging, and interactive", "great lectures", "funny", "very well organized", "by far the best and most knowledgeable professor I've ever had", "This class made me a math lover", "he threw a marker from across the class and made it into the trash can", "I'm going to miss this class", "The instructor had really strong calves. Like super strong, you would think he had a genetic implant from a horse", "I wish we had more class time". | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 3.85 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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The COVID-19 pandemic continued during this semester. The entire course was offered online. To mitigate the effect on student grades, generous homework, attendance, and extra credit policies were put into place. Nevertheless, student performance and student satisfaction were significantly affected.
Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "classes were engaging and fun to watch", "extremely good and thorough answers to questions", "very patient", "very passionate instructor", "very good at explaining things in many different ways", "He knows his shit, yo", "very organized", "tries his best to explain this complex subject in simple terms", "despite the course being horrendously difficult, the instructor was spectacular for the job", "You can always argue that the students may not have put enough effort into the class, but when a teacher is producing consistent results where students are mostly in the C-F range; it becomes clear that it's the teacher's fault, not the student's fault." | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 3.35 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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The COVID-19 pandemic continued during this semester. The entire course was converted (with no small effort) to be offered online. To mitigate the effect on student grades, generous homework, attendance, and extra credit policies were put into place. Nevertheless, student performance and student satisfaction were significantly affected.
Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "very patient and thorough", "very knowledgeable", "very organized", "funny", "the fastest response time I've ever had with a professor", "hardest math class I have ever taken", "professor did not care about students in any way", "self centered", "impossible to pass" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 2.98 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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The COVID-19 pandemic began during this semester; all classes and exams were online immediately after Exam 2. Student performance was affected by the pandemic, as was student satisfaction with the course. Fortunately, the university
implemented changes in grade policy to help mitigate the effect on students.
Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "great lecturer", "super dedicated", "very organized", "really good at teaching", "best lecturer I've had", "momma bird", "amazing lecturer", "great book!", "Dad jokes", "the class is way too hard", "[needs] more ways to help students that are behind", "a complete asshole" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 3.35 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "very knowledgeable and well organized", "excellent lecturer", "Knows how to keep the class paying attention", "easy to understand", "funny", "charismatic and passionate", "cool lectures", "sweet to talk to", "amazing teacher", "absolutely hilarious", "dude made me like math", "very good at explaining", "great enunciation" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.11 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "BEST MATHEMATICS PROFESSOR AT SDSU!!!!!", "very funny and engaging", "teaches the material very clearly", "passionate", "great lecturer", "very good at communicating with his students", "I have never worked so hard for a class, yet this might be one of my favorite classes I have ever taken", "funny", "well orgnized", "very helpful always", "Best teacher at state!", "very knowledgeable", "11/10 professor, I wish he taught every math class I have to take", "kept me from falling asleep", "very organized", "amazing professor" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.23 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "very funny and clear professor", "very organized", "can explain topics well", "really clear teaching style", "made the content very interesting", "very good lecturer", "responds lightning fast to emails", "knew what he was talking about", "wore endearing shirts made by his children", "funny", "excellent knowledge of the material", "amiable and knowledgable", "very engaging", "amazing lecturer" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 3.54 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "Best professor ever", "very smart and knowledgable", "very funny guy", "most passionate man I've ever seen", "fun lectures", "outstanding lecturer", "knows the subject very well and is very entertaining in class", "has the unique ability of kissing his own ass", "reminds me of my DAD", "quickly responds to emails", "classes are very organized", "I loved the layout of this course" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 3.91 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "very knowledgeable", "He forced us to study", "BEST PROFESSOR EVER", "very passionate", "Very supportive of students", "very organized", "good, funny lectures", "best lecturer I've had", "amazing teacher", "engaging", "very satisfied", "very clear lecturer", "fun class", "very quickly responds to emails", "funny jokes occasionally" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.07 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "just a great teacher", "never wasted a minute of class", "made learning it much easier", "If Discrete Math were as easy on the brain as he is on the eyes I would have easily gotten an A", "he ugly af", "took a boring subject and made it funny", "fast grading", "One of the best classes I've ever had", "book is incredibly great", "Attendance was mandatory, but I would have gone even if it wasn't" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.17 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "funny", "very engaging", "incredible lecturer", "very helpful textbook", "most organized, most efficient course I have taken", "best professor I've ever had", "enthusiastic", "charismatic", "very organized", "extremely engaging", "a bit scary", "students knew what was expected of them to succeed from the very start", "clear syllabus" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 3.90 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Mini Midterm 1 (with solutions), Main Midterm (with solutions), Mini Midterm 2 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "The best professor I have been taught from", "Really enjoyed the class", "really good teacher", "truly was an honor to take this class with a professor like him", "great at explaining concepts", "class is structured very well", "really effective", "good course for anyone willing to put in the effort", "very excellent teacher" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.03 (5 maximum). The average on questions about the instructor: 4.09 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "Best professor I've had at SDSU, hands down!", "amazing course", "FANTASTIC lectures", "I would take all of my classes with him if I could", "a great class that made me realize why I liked math in the first place", "reviews [on] ratemyprofessor scared me at first, but this is honestly the best math instructor I have ever had", "great professor!", "good lectures and clear class layout", "VADIM ROX MY SOX", "motivated me to continue my studies in [math]", "Professor PONOMARENKO is a god" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 3.97 (5 maximum). The average on questions about the instructor: 4.03 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Midterm (with solutions), final. |
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Note to students looking for practice exams: this course used a different style and textbook. It was taught with active learning and little lecture. Some students liked this style, some didn't. Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "The professor should lecture", "Instructor should lecture more", "I wish my other classes were designed in a similar fashion", "I enjoyed the class" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 2.39 (5 maximum). The average on questions about the instructor: 2.44 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "very good at motivating his students and instilling genuine interest in the subject matter", "Great teacher!", "highly charismatic, extremely intelligent, obviously a master of his craft, and a major asset to the university", "explained concepts in many different ways" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 3.88 (5 maximum). The average on questions about the instructor: 3.95 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "awesome teacher", "by far the most well organized and fair class", "take him again without hesitation", "loved the way he taught", "great professor" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 3.67 (5 maximum). The average on questions about the instructor: 3.75 (5 maximum). The overall departmental average for lower division courses was 3.82. Methodology |
Materials: syllabus, supplement, final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "The best math class I have had at SDSU", "great at using examples to make concepts easier to understand", "great professor", "best professor I've ever had", "great teacher", "made me realize I'd like to take more math courses", "as fun as a math class can be", "outstanding professor" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 3.95 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: syllabus, supplement, final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "Taught extremely well", "Vadim Rocks!", a great class", "Makes the whole class laugh daily", "took tips on his teaching style as I may want to teach in the future", "a great instructor", "very effective" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 4.18 (5 maximum). The overall departmental average for lower division courses was 3.83. Methodology |
Materials: syllabus, supplement, final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "Hard class, but great teacher", "I learned a lot", "very helpful", "awesome professor", "Professor Ponomarenko is by far the best", "simplified how to do the problems so they made sense", "Loved him from the first day", "The structure and teaching method of Ponomarenko should be a precedent for future rubrics", "outstanding teacher", "really great jokes", "his voice isn't annoying and his kids aren't ugly" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 3.82 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: syllabus, supplement, final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "very fair and enjoyable teacher", "the instructor is brilliant", "without him, I would not have learn [sic] as much as I did," "great teacher", "this class was amazing", "very organized", "explained the concepts in an easily understandable context", "interesting", "your voice is annoying and your kids are ugly" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 3.85 (5 maximum). The overall departmental average for lower-division courses was 3.53. Methodology |
Materials: syllabus, supplement, final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "The best math professor in SDSU!!!!", "Will be my first choice for future classes", "exemplary math professor", "the best math teacher I've ever had", "very helpful", "I loved this class", "best math professor in San Diego state", "Hilarious", "very fair", "this instructor is amazing" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 3.78 (5 maximum). The overall departmental average for lower-division courses was 3.69. Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus 1, Syllabus 2, Supplement, Final 1, Final 2 |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "very fair", "very helpful", "very clear", "excellent teacher", "my favorite professor", "awesome professor", "an asset to SDSU", "truly cares about his students", "I wouldn't have wanted to learn (...) from anyone else", "inspired me" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.33 (5 maximum). The average on questions about the instructor: 4.39 (5 maximum). The overall departmental average was 3.90, and the departmental average for lower division courses was 3.87. Methodology |
Basic Materials: Syllabus, Supplement, Final | ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Class performance on standardized diagnostic questions: 83% right, 13% partially right, 4% wrong. Full Report | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "very clear explanations", "the best mathematics instructor I've ever had", "amazing teacher", "the best math teacher I ever had", "great instructor", "he makes the dry subject of linear algebra interesting and, dare I say, fun" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 4.8 (5 maximum). The overall departmental average was 4.1. |
Materials: syllabus, Exam 1 (with prep and solutions), Exam 2 (with prep and solutions), Exam 3 (with prep and solutions), final (with prep) |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "one of the best professors", "great", "loved the group dynamic", "very organized", "absolutely love this professor", "really liked how he did group work", "perfectly organized", "stylish", "all expectations were clear", "clear" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.63 (5 maximum). |
Materials: syllabus, Exam 1 (with prep and solutions), Exam 2 (with prep and solutions), Exam 3 (with prep and solutions), final (with prep) |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "loved this class", "by far the best Math Professor I have had", "great class", "great instructor", "class was fun but challenging", "tough course but very rewarding", "he made the class laugh" | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.19 (5 maximum). Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 4.25 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: syllabus, Exam 1 (with prep, solutions), Exam 2 (with prep, solutions), Exam 3 (with prep, solutions), final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "There are no flaws in this teacher", "Fantastic class and prof.", "He is a fair grader and really knows the material". | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 4.87 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "Love this professor!", "great class", "Made me want to go deeper into number theory", "very fair", "taught so well", "very helpful", "he understands the material very well and presented it in the clearest way possible" | |
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.46 (5 maximum). The average on questions about the instructor: 4.51 (5 maximum). The overall departmental average for upper-division courses was 3.92. Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "professor was great", "a good class", "a fair teacher", "my favorite math professor!" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.32 (5 maximum). The average on questions about the instructor: 4.42 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "good structure", "great class", "helpful" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 3.95 (5 maximum). The average on questions about the instructor: 3.96 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Basic Materials: Syllabus, Final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "very good teacher", "very effective", "He discussed current research trends and how they were related to the material at hand which is very beneficial", "I really enjoyed studying", "I really enjoyed taking this course", "excellent instructor", "One of the best teachers I have seen" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 4.62 (5 maximum). The overall department average was 3.9 and the average for upper-division courses was 4.0. Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Final (with Solutions) |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "fantastic teacher", "very helpful, "very funny", "a great teacher as well as a great person", "material was tough but he is a really good teacher" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 3.72 (5 maximum). The overall departmental average was 3.90, and the departmental average for upper division courses was 4.02. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The bimodal grade distribution testifies that the student population was quite unusual. The course evaluation standard deviation was 1.39, compared to 0.75 typical for this instructor. |
Materials: Syllabus, Handout, Recurrence Supplement, Graph Theory Supplement, final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "group quizzes were effective", "very organized", "really enjoyed the class", "explains things very well", "did not have an accent", "love the professor", "great lecturer", "thoroughly enjoyed this class when I didn't think I would", "fantastic teacher", "clear explanations", "has a good beard" | |||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.06 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Handout, Supplement, Exam 1 (with solutions), Exam 2 (with solutions), Exam 3 (with solutions), final. |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "enjoyed his dry humor", "very knowledgeable", "best professor I have had", "Very sweet man", "really engaging lecturer", "understands the material very well", "Class was tough but fair", "fair with grading" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.81 (5 maximum). |
Materials: Syllabus, Handout, Supplement, Final |
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Anonymous student course evaluation: 4.44 (5 maximum). The average on questions about the instructor: 4.45 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Handout, Supplement, Final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "easy to understand", "awesome class", "one of my favorite math professors", "great class setup", "I'm considering switching my major... just to be able to work with him", "wish I could take all of my Math courses with Professor Ponomarenko" | |||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.6 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Handout, Supplement, Final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "I've learned more from him than any Professor that I can recall", "my favorite class I have had", "very well organized" | |||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.12 (5 maximum). The average on questions about the instructor: 4.21 (5 maximum). Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Handout, Supplement, Final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "very good professor", "made you think", "fair-minded and extremely effective", "made counting interesting", "fantastic instructor". | |||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.09 (5 maximum). The average on questions about the instructor: 4.14 (5 maximum). The overall departmental average for upper division courses was 3.93. Methodology |
Basic Materials: Syllabus, Supplement, Final (I/II) |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "outstanding", "excellent instructor", "one of the most well-organized courses I have taken at SDSU", "I really liked this class. It made me learn to think in a completely different way", "I loved this class", "a GREAT lecturer" | ||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average on questions about the instructor: 4.7 (5 maximum). The overall departmental average was 4.0. |
Materials: Syllabus, Final (with Solutions) |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "Enjoyed the structure of the class", "extremely helpful outside of class (...) made everyone feel welcome", "I think pure math majors as well should be regularly offered the curriculum we had in this course", "I Love This Teacher" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.70 (5 maximum). The average on questions about the instructor: 4.72 (5 maximum). The overall departmental average was 4.00, and the departmental average for graduate courses was 4.47. Methodology |
Materials: Syllabus, Chapter 0 Exercises, Final |
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Sample of student comments on anonymous course evaluations: "This particular professor makes me feel like I made the right decision to pursue a mathematics degree". | |||||||
Anonymous student course evaluation average: 4.51 (5 maximum). Methodology |