Fall 2007 marked the first semester that the SDSU College of Sciences used an entirely web-based course evaluation system. This new method has a variety of benefits, and also several challenges. In the past, course evaluation questions were divided into two parts: questions about the instructor and other questions. This is not currently in place; instead, there is an overall average which combines questions about the instructor, course, and expected grade.
The web-based system provides enough raw data to allow calculation by question. Therefore, I computed averages excluding question 1 (on subject matter), question 5 (on overall satisfaction), and question 6 (on expected grade). In computing averages for MATH 151 I excluded question 3 (on exams), because the final exam was a common exam written by the course coordinator. The average for other MATH 151 sections was estimated based on knowing the MATH 151 averages for all instructors combined, and on knowing the averages of the sections I taught (which included 47% of MATH 151 students this term).
Complete list of quantitative questions used by College of Sciences system: