The summer 2025 program has been cancelled, sorry. Please check back in December 2025 regarding the summer 2026 program.
A complete application consists of an application form and two letters of recommendation. To maximize your chances of acceptance, invite letter-writers who are professors of mathematics -- lecturers, grad students, professors of other subjects, are all less useful in evaluating your materials. Note: no transcripts are required.
All materials are due by Friday, February 28, 2025.
Letter-writers: Please submit your letter of recommendation.
Applicants: Please submit your application.
Before applying, it is recommended to prepare your transcript (we do not collect transcripts, but do ask for information), and your essay. You are strongly encouraged to write this in a text editor (like notepad), then cut-and-paste it into the application later. This allows you to take time, collect your thoughts, and save your work should something go wrong with your submission.
The essay instructions are: Please write a narrative describing your relationship to mathematics. Be sure to discuss your mathematical interests (particularly in relation to the project(s) offered by this year's program), as well as your future mathematical and career goals. This is used to evaluate your writing skill, as well as to gain insight into your personality.
To participate as an (ordinary) undergraduate student, you must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States and its possessions. You must also be a full-time student pursuing a major in the mathematical sciences in Fall 2025, i.e. not graduated yet. These requirements are not flexible, due to NSF rules. Participants receive a stipend of $4000, lodging, and some money toward food.
To participate as a graduate student, you must have received an undergraduate degree before June 14, 2025. There is no citizenship requirement.
To participate as an unsupported student, you must be prepared to receive no support from the program (stipend, housing, travel, etc.).
Please be aware that we accept very few graduate and unsupported students -- you should apply if you feel this is a perfect fit.